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Projeto transforma esporte em ferramenta de inclusão social no Oeste do Pará
O projeto "Esporte na Cidade", que promove atividades de lazer, esportes e palestras educativas para adolescentes e jovens da região Oeste do Pará, retomou as aulas de iniciação para moradores dos municípios de Faro e Terra Santa, além do distrito de Porto Trombetas, em Oriximiná. A iniciativa contribui para o bem-estar e incentiva a adoção de hábitos saudáveis.
Realizado pela Organização Social De Peito Aberto (DPA), o programa tem o patrocínio da Mineração Rio do Norte (MRN), por meio da Lei Federal de Incentivo ao Esporte, e em 2025 oferecerá aulas gratuitas de vôlei, futsal, basquete e handebol. Em 2024, cerca de 300 alunos participaram das atividades, cujo objetivo é estimular a inclusão social e o desenvolvimento pessoal na região. Todos os participantes recebem kits completos de uniformes para as práticas esportivas.
Laysa Soares, de 12 anos, moradora de Terra Santa e aluna das aulas de vôlei, compartilhou sua experiência. "Sempre gostei de esportes e, quando descobri que tinha vaga, resolvi participar. Escolhi o vôlei, mas gosto de jogar de tudo. A convivência com as colegas é muito boa e a professora é excelente, sempre me ajuda quando preciso", contou a jovem.
Já o jovem André Marinho, morador do distrito de Porto Trombetas e aluno das atividades de futsal viu no projeto uma oportunidade de desenvolver fundamentos no esporte. “Eu decidi participar do projeto porque apresenta vários esportes e isso é importante para o desenvolvimento do nosso corpo e da nossa saúde. O esporte que eu mais gosto de praticar é futsal, pois é o esporte que eu tenho mais afinidade e também eu me sinto que interaja mais com as pessoas. O que eu mais gosto nas aulas é das práticas esportivas e da interação com as pessoas e a convivência com a professora e com os alunos é muito boa, temos uma ótima interação e convivência”, comentou.
As atividades do Esporte na Cidade são gratuitas e realizadas no contraturno escolar. Além disso, o projeto oferece palestras sobre temas como meio ambiente e saúde mental. Ricardo Loureiro, coordenador técnico do projeto, destacou os resultados alcançados em mais de uma década de atuação. "Em 12 anos, atendemos 6.200 crianças, com aulas de qualidade e materiais de primeira linha. O projeto valoriza a inclusão, sem distinções de raça, cor, credo ou religião. Quem quer participar, participa", afirmou.
Ele também enfatizou a importância da parceria com a MRN para a continuidade da iniciativa. "A MRN sempre buscou meios para que nosso trabalho fosse realizado com excelência. Sem essa parceria, o projeto não existiria", reforçou Loureiro.
Bianca Bentes, analista de Relações Comunitárias da MRN, comentou o impacto do programa. "Apoiar projetos de esporte educacional é um investimento no futuro, pois estamos proporcionando às crianças e adolescentes não apenas o desenvolvimento físico, mas também valores essenciais como disciplina, trabalho em equipe e perseverança. Quando a MRN investe em projetos como esse ela não está apenas incentivando a prática esportiva, mas também contribuindo para a formação de cidadãos mais conscientes e preparados para os desafios da vida”, explicou.
Sobre o projeto
Desde 2010, o Esporte na Cidade promove aulas gratuitas de iniciação esportiva em futsal, vôlei, basquete, handebol e futebol de campo para crianças e adolescentes, conciliando prática esportiva e educação. A iniciativa conta com o apoio do Mineração Esporte Clube (MEC), no núcleo de Porto Trombetas, e das prefeituras dos municípios de Faro e Terra Santa.
MRN proposes partnerships for the future of mining in the Amazon and the strengthening of traditional communities
During the International Conference on the Amazon and New Economies, held in Belém (Pará State), the company advocated integrated actions to protect the environment
Belém (Pará State) was the focus of discussions on the future of the Amazon when it hosted, for the second time, the International Conference on the Amazon and New Economies. Mineração Rio do Norte (MRN), a bauxite producer located in the west of the state, presented its experiences and innovative initiatives for the development of sustainable mining in the Amazon during the event. The conference brought together business leaders, researchers and representatives of social organizations to debate sustainable economic alternatives for the region.
During the panel “The New Mining Sector in a Structuring and Development Agenda in the Amazon”, the CEO of MRN, Guido Germani, underscored the company's role in promoting projects that go beyond mineral activity, and the importance of creating strategic alliances to expand the positive impact of the mining activity in the country.
"We need to think about new economies in the Amazon because minerals will one day run out. MRN seeks to create an increasingly strong forest and, to this end, we encourage actions in the areas of entrepreneurship and agroforestry, for example. We must have greater unity among private initiative, civil society and the state in order to better manage investment in actions that generate benefits for future generations,” said Guido.
As well as taking part in the panel, MRN also played an active role in mentoring projects during the Hackathon held at the conference. The competition attracted students and professionals from different areas to create innovative solutions that promote sustainability in the mining sector. MRN's mentoring focused on collaboration between the mining sector and other segments, promoting the development of sustainable businesses that benefit the Amazon.
MRN moves towards renewable energy matrix
Initiative will integrate the company into the National Interconnected System, thus bolstering its commitment to global carbon targets
Committed to sustainable mining practices in the Amazon, Mineração Rio do Norte (MRN) this week obtained the Installation License (IL) for the Transmission Line Project, whch will integrate the company into the National Interconnected System. By adhering to a more sustainable electricity matrix, MRN expects to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by around 90% in power generation, which represents approximately a 20% reduction in the company's carbon footprint as of 2027, thus securing a more efficient and sustainable operation. The implementation phase of the project is expected to generate around 500 new temporary jobs during construction.
The 98-km long project runs from the substation in Oriximiná to the future Saracá substation, within the MRN site in the Porto Trombetas district. MRN's Project Implementation Director, Leonardo Paiva, explains that the initiative is the company's main energy transition project, which is aligned with its long-term planning and commitment to environmental sustainability. “This electricity matrix change represents a strategic move for MRN and a legacy for the region. We are officially adhering to global targets by reducing our carbon footprint and promoting local sustainable development,” he says.
Operating the project
The development of MRN's new electricity matrix meets the future demands of the West Zone Program. In practice, the 230 kV power transmission system will connect the company's industrial facilities in Porto Trombetas, in the municipality of Oriximiná, to the SIN's basic network, via a single circuit, approximately 98 km long. The route has 34 vertices, including 218 metal towers, with technical, economic and socio-environmental benefits in mind. The project study was carried out in two parts, considering the normal stretch and the Trombetas River crossing stretch, due to the particularities of each.
Operational continuity
The Transmission Line is part of MRN's operational continuity strategy in the region. Today, with a preliminary license issued by IBAMA, the New Mines Project will allow MRN to invest approximately R$5 billion over the next five years, adding more sustainability to the aluminum chain, used on a large scale for essential segments such as energy, transport, construction, packaging, among others. The project will be essential for the company to continue its operations in western of Pará by maintaining an average production of 12.5 million tons of bauxite per year.
Employees with decades of dedication to MRN honored
The event was marked by celebration and an emotional atmosphere among the participants
Last weekend, Mineração Rio do Norte (MRN) held a big get-together to celebrate the career of those who have built the company's legacy in the heart of the Amazon over four decades. Held since 1991, the traditional ‘Festa de Homenageados’ [Tribute Party] recognizes employees who have been with MRN for 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 years. They were honored in a ceremony full of appreciation and heartfelt emotions among those who help build the company's history.
Among the honorees was Daniel Pimentel, the only employee recognized for his 40 years in the “house”, which was one of the highlights of the celebration. He works as a railroad operator, and recalled his career from the moment he arrived in the district of Porto Trombetas, in the city of Oriximiná, where the company is located. “My first day at work was a real joy, with an inevitable motivation to work for a big company. Even though I didn't have much schooling at the time, I managed to become an operator and I saw major changes here, such as the paving of the streets in the villages and the construction of the railroad, the airport and the hospital in Porto Trombetas. These changes have made people more engaged in their work, and I can only thank God and the company for being here,” he stated.
After living in large urban centers and a life dedicated to mining, Fernando Trabuco decided that he needed to reconcile his career with his family and saw MRN as an opportunity to achieve this goal. After 10 years at MRN, the current Chief Financial, Administration and Human Resources Officer sees his career at the company in a positive way, with a lot of learning and progress. “Each day, I am prouder to say that I am an employee of this company, which has changed my career, my life and the life of my family. Here, the social sphere is an extension of the corporate world, and everything is intertwined. I really want to continue participating in MRN's ongoing evolution, to be part of this great company that makes me so proud and happy,” he said.
The presence of women
Natalina Oliveira Couto was another honoree at the party organized by MRN. Having worked for the company for 25 years, she started as a trainee and was later hired, and was one of the pioneering women in the drying department. A challenging job that, with the dedication and unity of the team, she managed to overcome, as well as breaking down stereotypes about the presence of women in mining. “I've always looked for opportunities in the job market that would balance my personal and professional life. Here, at MRN, I found a place where I was able to harmonize these two axes, which gave me a career projection,” said the employee, who is now a manager in the sector where she started in the late 1990s.
She also highlighted MRN's concern to build an increasingly diverse workforce in leadership positions. “The programs developed by the Company promote female talent, including other pillars such as diversity, inclusion, gender, race and others. Here, we have more opportunities for professional development in positions that were previously occupied mostly by men,” she added.
For MRN's CEO, Guido Germani, the 'Festa de Homenageados' [Tribute Party] is the company's recognition of those who help build sustainable mining in the Amazon. “Everyone is to be congratulated for building the history of this company. This party crowns the great achievements we've had throughout the year, and there's nothing better than sharing these victories with those who have collaborated for decades on an elaborate operation in the middle of the forest. MRN's history is made up of many people, and our employees are the ones who help us every day to build a positive legacy in the region,” he said.
Leme Project intensifies preventive actions against fires in western Pará State
Developed by MRN, the activities seek to mobilize communities about the risks of fires during the dry season in the region's rivers
In view of the drought affecting the western region of Pará and the consequent increase in the risk of forest fires, the Leme Project, developed by Mineração Rio do Norte (MRN), has intensified its actions in the communities of Bom Jesus, Boa Vista, Ajudante, Batata and Trombetas, located in the municipality of Oriximiná. The aim is to make residents aware of the precautions needed to prevent fires on the banks of rivers and lakes, thus preserving the environment and safeguarding everyone's safety.
Educational workshops and talks are held on the importance of not setting fires during the dry season, when the vegetation becomes extremely flammable. The team has focused on the dangers of the rapid spread of fire in dry weather conditions, which can affect fauna, flora and local communities.
“Wildfires have been very damaging to the health of our region. We need to fight this and make people aware so that they can be partners and also contribute to the fight against fires. For this reason, the Leme Project is of great importance, as the instructors take great care to raise awareness among the participants. You also learn how to navigate along the river and be safer”, said Antônio Matos Figueira, a resident of the Lago Ajudante community, who is taking part in MRN's project activities.
The actions are carried out by instructors who, in addition to workshops, promote playful activities that seek to mobilize the largest number of community members on the subject of safety. Herbert Rezende is one of Projeto Leme's instructors and knows the region well and has noticed the drought, which makes the work of guidance and monitoring even more important. “In September, we had difficulties accessing all the communities due to this situation (drought). We have prepared materials for each theme addressed during the campaigns, and the mobilization of the communities is carried out by the MRN team. We cover topics such as prevention and ways of fighting fire, forest preservation practices and the differences between burning and wildfires”, explained the Leme Project instructor.
The Leme Project was set up 19 years ago and is dedicated to bringing essential information to the riverside dwellers and the community of Porto Trombetas. The main objective is to share knowledge, with an emphasis on river safety, but environmental education also guides the activities carried out by the company. According to MRN's Community Relations analyst, Lenilton Santos de Jesus, the Leme Project's activities are essential for raising interest in navigation and prevention. “We're concerned that people, especially young people, become aware of issues of interest to the region, such as environmental preservation and the fight against fires. This is the role of the Leme Project with the riverside population near MRN,” he said.
MRN Excellence Week recognizes innovative ideas and rewards talents
The event brought together various sectors of the company and consolidated partnerships with suppliers, employees and the communit
Last week, Mineração Rio do Norte (MRN) held another edition of the Excellence Week. The main objective of the event was to strengthen knowledge, promote integration between the various areas of the company, suppliers and stimulate creativity and innovation, fundamental elements for the continuous improvement of MRN's operations, as part of the event is the Internal Week for the Prevention of Occupational Accidents in Mining (SIPATMIN).
During the event, there were talks to raise awareness of safety at work and the environment, fun activities, product and service exhibitions, as well as theatrical performances and interactive spaces at the Excellence Fair. The event involved not only the company's employees, but also the local community, reinforcing MRN's commitment to sustainable development and social inclusion.
The event included an award ceremony for the teams that presented the Quality Control Circles (QCC) projects, made up of MRN employees. These groups stood out for their active participation in the event by contributing innovative ideas and projects to the mining company's operational processes. The CCQs initiative aims to encourage collaboration and problem-solving in order to improve process efficiency, safety at work, environmental actions, cost optimization and greater productivity.
One of such highlights, recognized by the event organizers, was the optimization of the work involved in cleaning the ore screening screens. This work involved around 6 people and took around 6 hours to complete. Ariclevea Coelho Ferreira, technical manager at the beneficiation plant, was part of the team recognized at the Excellence Week and pointed out that the project created by the team managed to reduce service time by up to 1 hour and involved only 2 people. The measure made it possible to optimize services and send MRN employees to other work networks.
“We've managed to optimize the workforce and take employees out of the firing line. This gives the team great pride and motivation. That's what CCQ is all about: looking at your area and seeing what can be improved in our routine. Our goal was to reduce service time by up to 50%, but we managed to reduce it by 83% and that's very gratifying. If we hadn't won, we'd still be champions, but with this recognition we feel that it was worth taking part in the Excellence Week and this motivates us even more. I can only thank MRN,” said Auriclevea.
Wvagno Ferreira, manager of MRN's Performance and Risks area, is one of the creators of this initiative, which began in 2017. For him, the Excellence Week values the talent of employees, while further consolidating ties with communities and building a collective process of innovation and development in the region. “The Excellence Week offers participants an opportunity for professional growth and the recognition provides greater engagement and strengthens the company, the safety in its activities and the environment in which we operate,” he said.
Raising awareness
Throughout the week, the event also featured lectures on current topics, such as “The Importance of Awareness and Prevention of Domestic Violence: Strategies for Support and Intervention”, given by the Faro City Prosecutor, Osvaldino Lima de Sousa, and the Faro Police Chief, Renan Dantas. MRN addressed the issue at the event to raise awareness among employees, enabling them to identify risk situations and offer support to victims, contributing to building a more equal society.
“Unfortunately, Brazil is still a sexist country and, in the northern region, this is even stronger. It is of the utmost importance to make everyone aware of equality, especially men and fathers,” said Prosecutor Osvaldino de Sousa. Police Chief Renan Dantas took the opportunity to advise those present on the appropriate channels for reporting the crime of domestic violence. “This is a very timely issue and one that is very present in society. Given that MRN is a giant company, it is important to make everyone aware of domestic violence and the consequences of this act. It is of fundamental importance to know the details of this legislation and the Maria da Penha Act,” he added.