Our management is conducted in strict compliance with the legislation, with respect for local traditions and constant dialog with various stakeholders. The initiatives that contribute to this model of operation include:

  • Full compliance with socio-environmental constraints
  • The quest for continuous improvement of our processes
  • Relations with neighboring communities
  • Transparency with the society as a whole



Socio-environmental actions

We believe that we play a key role regarding the sustainable development of the communities in the region where we operate. We have invested in 63 socio-environmental projects geared at compliance with environmental constraints, voluntary actions and incentive laws. In 2019, investments added up...

Our constraints

Over the past 45 years, we have rehabilitated 7,398.18 hectares, where more than 14.5 million seedlings of 450 native tree species have been planted.

Direct Fund Actions

We believe that a new development model is possible in the Amazon. One that allows local communities to strengthen themselves in a socio-economical manner based on their own potential and cultural values. That is why we invest in initiatives based on social, environmental and economic sustainability.

Learn more

Incentive Laws

In a partnership with the federal and state governments, MRN directs resources through tax waiver that directly benefit the municipalities and communities in the region where we operate through sports, cultural and social projects, such as the Fund for Childhood and Adolescence (FIA).

Learn about our projects