How to remain relevant to and aligned with the future challenges of the mineral sector?

This question has prompted us to analyze the good practices on the market, in a movement of evolution of our organizational culture.

In 2019, as we celebrated 40 years of operations, we adopted eight behavioral competencies in our internal evaluation processes, which also began to guide the recruitment processes of MRN. Learn about each of these competencies below.


At MRN, this value is above everything.

A safe behavior goes beyond standards and indicators. Daily attention to details, compliance with procedures and the practice of genuine care contribute to a safer environment and to health prevention.

The person who has safety as a competence:

  • Behaves in a safe manner at all times.
  • Fully complies with the safety rules and places themselves as guardian thereof.
  • Pursues active care.
  • Understands that their physical integrity and that of others around them are above any result.
  • Performs their activities with attention while observing the procedures.
  • Has a focus on operational reliability (safety, quality, production and cost).

Many of our professionals regard MRN as their second home .

And, just like at our own home, we are always attentive to cost and waste reduction alternatives, with responsibility. Each employee must use resources efficiently and effectively, thus securing the continuity of the company's life cycle.

The person who has austerity as a competence:

  • Seeks solutions to ensure excellence in their activities, in a planned and organized way.
  • Does not lay back on the results achieved and always seeks the best cost-benefit to MRN.
  • Is zealous and careful with the company's assets and results, as if they were their own.

We understand the socio-environmental context in which MRN is included and we are committed to generating economic development with respect to the natural resources, the neighboring communities, our employees and partners.

The person who has sustainability as a competence:

  • Avoids waste and uses resources in a sustainable way.
  • Performs their activities considering the socio-environmental impacts and aiming at perennial results.
  • Is engaged in social programs suggested by the company and demonstrates, in some way, public and social responsibility.

We challenge our employees to think and do things differently by questioning the usual way we do things.

Therefore, we value ideas aimed at improving processes and results. The person who has innovation as a competence:

  • Criticizes in a constructive way the current activities and standards, while seeking innovative solutions in their work routines.
  • Is constantly seeking improvement, regardless of the area of operation.
  • Evaluates, proposes and implements advances in the processes, thus seeking to accomplish the tasks being assigned with increasing effectiveness.

At MRN, it is necessary to be proactive to consider the impact of decisions on every business and every activity performed.

We understand the scenario, evaluate the risks and ensure that our decisions are aligned with the objectives of the business.

The person who has systemic vision as a competence:

  • Evaluates and acts on their tasks considering the impact on other areas/colleagues.
  • Can have a global view of their activities, thus making decisions that improve results.
  • Analyses information, proposes solutions and identifies impacts for decision-making, both in their area and in other areas.

MRN’s professional does not lay back. Our professionals try to go beyond the results that have already been achieved and assume leadership through planning and execution at the appropriate time.

The company values ways to simplify everyday life with agility and firmness to communicate and accomplish.

The person who has sense of urgency as a competence:

  • Suggests and implements adjustments to their activities in an dynamic and responsible manner to improve performance.
  • Guarantees the delivery of accurate and complete work within established deadlines.
  • Performs their duties in an assertive manner and with planning, while managing time, in respect to the client and work colleagues.

Our professionals should always seek to do the right thing, both in business and in relations with people, inside and outside the company.

At MRN, we are transparent, coherent and act according to our discourse. The person who has integrity as a competence:

  • Always seeks to do things right both in their daily activities and in relations with people at MRN.
  • Is true and upright. Maintains professional relations based on facts and guided by the company's code of ethics and policies.
  • Cares about the company's image inside and outside, and is a guardian of its brand and culture.

At MRN, we have a genuine care about people and create an environment that encourages collectivity, diversity and mutual recognition by listening to the real needs of people and supporting their development.

The person who has respect to people as a competence:

  • Shows respect and flexibility in relations with others in order to achieve mutual benefits.
  • Collaborates with others at work in a proactive way.
  • Demonstrates, through actions, commitment to achieving results combined with the team.