The company presents the main results achieved in the production, environmental and social areas 

In its 45th anniversary year, Mineração Rio do Norte (MRN), based in the industrial district of Porto Trombetas, in the municipality of Oriximiná, in the west of Pará State, has just released its 2023 Sustainability Report. Now available in our site, the document provides a complete overview of the initiatives and results achieved over the past year, underlining the goal of being a benchmark for operational excellence, sustainability and social responsibility. 

“The initiatives and results we present therein reveal something that has been with us since the first lines of our journey, back in 1979: a commitment to sustainability. Attitudes that are part of a culture driven by the virtuous cycle of the Amazon, where one action sustains another, building a responsible present and a positive legacy for the future”, said Guido Germani, MRN's CEO. 

In 2023, the company maintained a robust production pace, with more than 12 million tons of bauxite, supplying both the domestic market and international markets, including America, Europe and Asia. 

Preserving and respecting biodiversity 

The rescue and conservation of Amazonian biodiversity continues to be a priority for MRN. Last year, 13,592 specimens of wild wildlife were rescued and returned to their natural habitat, while 16,563 plant specimens were saved. The company also invested in the recovery of mined-out areas by using 4,893kg of seeds acquired from riverside and Quilombola communities. In total, 410,758 seedlings were produced at the company's Nursery, 49,491 of which being of endangered, protected or vulnerable species. Reforestation was conducted on 318.8 hectares, with the planting of 394,512 seedlings of 98 native species, in a joint effort involving the participation of 60 local communities. 

Inclusion and diversity

Around 76% of MRN's employees come from municipalities in the western region of Pará State, thus underscoring its commitment to local development. And in order to have an increasingly inclusive workforce, the “MRN for Everyone” program has made important progress, such as increasing the representation of women and Quilombola people in the workforce. The number of women has risen to 10.5% and the number of Quilombola has gone up to 5.3%.

In 2023, MRN created specific talent banks for women and young apprentices, and invested in awareness-raising events concerning diversity, equity and inclusion. One of these is the “Lidera Mulher” [Leading Women] program, which empowers and trains women to take on leadership positions. The project has trained 600 women in the region. 

Respect for employees has ensured MRN's presence on the list of the five best companies to work for in the northern region of Brazil for the third time in a row, according to the Great Place to Work (GPTW) ranking. In the Industry category, it ranks among the 50 best companies to work for in the country. 

Socio-economic development as a legacy 

In 2023, MRN developed several social responsibility initiatives that bolstered the well-being and guaranteed the rights of neighboring communities. These actions reflect the company's commitment to improving its social performance, strengthening dialog and promoting sustainable development in the region. Throughout the year, the company invested around R$49.6 million in social and environmental programs and projects in the areas of education, culture, health, safety, the environment and income generation. 

A significant example of this commitment is the Higher Education Support Program (PAES), which offers scholarships with financial aid. Kathe Santos, a pedagogy student at the Federal University of Western Pará (UFOPA), is a beneficiary of this program. She said: “As a woman, black and Quilombola student, I have experienced the changes that higher education has brought to my life. The program's support was essential for me to stay at university and, consequently, to change my life through education.” 

MRN's work was structured on three main fronts: 

  1. Community Relations: Engagement with local residents and entities.
  2. Corporate Social Responsibility: Building collaborative projects for local and regional development.
  3. Licensing and Socioenvironmental Management: Responsible action with consultation with, and listening to, communities. 

Maria do Socorro Pereira, a resident of Lago Batata and participant in the Agroforestry Systems Project (SAFs), has also benefited from MRN's activities. The project aims for sustainable development and entrepreneurial autonomy, combining traditional knowledge with the opportunities offered by MRN. Maria commented: “We've been learning new things. I've learned how to make grafts at the nursery I have, growing healthy plants that are already bearing fruit in just a few days.” 

According to Vladimir Moreira, MRN's Sustainability and Legal Director, the 2023 Sustainability Report not only presents the company's results, but also demonstrates that it is possible to achieve sustainable development in the Amazon with respect, dialog and transparency. “Mining is constantly evolving and it is crucial to be aware of the challenges that arise. We believe it is possible to balance our operations with social responsibility, building legitimate partnerships that generate value for everyone. The Sustainability Report underscores our commitment to social, environmental and governance actions, adopting the company's ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) culture,” Vladimir said.