Over the past decade, our performance was marked by the quest for excellence in our management processes, which has led us to gain national and international recognition.
ISO 14001
We continuously seek to achieve correct environmental performance by controlling the aspects and impacts of our activities. Proof of this is that we have had the ISO 14001 certification in the operational, support and urban infrastructure areas of Porto Trombetas since 2001. The townsite built by MRN was the first place in Brazil to be certified and our reforestation process for mined-out areas has always been conducted in a systematic manner and is recognized by the scientific community. Our ISO 14001 certification is renewed every semester, after a maintenance audit, and every three years a recertification audit is performed.
OHSAS 18001
Our operational and support areas are certified with the OHSAS 18001, an occupational health and safety management system that attests to MRN's continuous quest to build a safe and healthy working environment for everyone. We do this through a risk control aligned with our Integrated Management Policy, based on the Company’s Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) goals.